Category Archives: General

Today is World Down Syndrome Day, and this year’s theme is all about ending the stereotypes these individuals face.

These amazing people face adversity every day, often being subject to harsh criticism or a lack of understanding of their condition. Every person with Down Syndrome is different, with one spectacular thing in common…an extra chromosome!

So today (and every other), we implore you to learn more about everything these individuals have to offer the world and raise their voices.

It’s time to end the stereotypes and embrace the beauty of difference.

True or False?

Food poisoning can start days after eating contaminated food.


The symptoms of food poisoning can begin anywhere from six hours to a couple of days after you’ve ingested contaminated food, and can last anywhere between 1-7 days! Signs of food poisoning include nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea.

If you’ve been hit with food poisoning, talk to your pharmacist at Palermo Pharmacy today to learn how to ease your symptoms.

One of the easiest ways to prevent Pink Eye is by simply not touching your eye, but there are a few other things you’ll want to do to keep this uncomfortable condition at bay.

– Never share makeup
– Avoid sharing personal items, like towels or washcloths
– Frequently wash your hands with warm soapy water
– Don’t rub your eyes when you have a cold or the flu
– Use antibacterial cleaners to clean high-touch surfaces like doorknobs

Consult with your pharmacist at Palermo Pharmacy to learn more about how to treat and prevent pink eye.

Do you have a complicated schedule when it comes to your daily medications?

With compliance packaging from Palermo Pharmacy, the pharmaciy team can create a personalized packet of all your medications, containing everything you need in one easy-to-use package.

Skip the medication anxiety and embrace an effortless routine with compliance packaging to keep you on track.

When we say seizure, what comes to mind?

Like most, you probably just envisioned a Tonic-Clonic or “grand-mal” seizure that results in loss of consciousness, falls, or massive muscle contractions. These seizures involve both sides of the brain and are called “generalized seizures” and are the ones most often showcased on TV.

But did you know seizures can also be localized to one area of the body?

These seizures are referred to as “focal seizures” and only affect one area or side of the brain. What’s more, they are actually more common, affecting roughly 60% of people with epilepsy.

It’s Pharmacy Appreciation Month, which means it’s time to shine a bright spotlight on the many members of your community who provide accessible healthcare through your local pharmacy doors—pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and every staff member who welcomes you in.

Every member of the team is a master of community healthcare, providing a wealth of knowledge and services far beyond dispensing medication, making it more accessible than ever to get the support you need when you need it.

Visit Palermo Pharmacy today to discover the power behind your pharmacy team.

Spring is just a few short weeks away, and if you’re someone who suffers from seasonal allergies, now’s the perfect time to restock all your allergy essentials!

With the high-quality Option+ products at Palermo Pharmacy pharmacy, fighting back against seasonal allergies can be a breeze, without breaking the bank!

So what are you waiting for? Head over to Palermo Pharmacy today!

True or False?

Adults can get Pink Eye.


Pink eye occurs when the thin, transparent layer covering your inner eye gets inflamed and can happen to one, or both of your eyes at a time. Some of the most notable symptoms of Pink Eye include:

– The whites of your eyes turning pink
– itching or burning
– Swollen eyelids
– Sensitivity to light
– Watery eyes
– yellow discharge from the eyes

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, talk to your pharmacist at Palermo Pharmacy today.

Did you know that according to recent estimates, upwards of 50% of people diagnosed with epilepsy, don’t have a clear-cut cause for the condition?

While many face unknown causes, there are a number of factors that can result in the development of epilepsy, including:
– Genetics
– Trauma
– Tumours or brain structure abnormalities
– Infectious diseases
– Metabolism changes
– Stroke

March is Epilepsy Awareness Month, and it’s time to shine a spotlight on this often misunderstood condition. We encourage you to take part and learn more about epilepsy to help break the stigma!