Arthritis Awareness Month

True or False: 55% of people with arthritis are under 65 years old?


Arthritis affects people of all ages (yes, including children), with over 100 different types affecting 1 in 5 Canadians.

This complex disease can take many forms, resulting in an array of symptoms that can vary from person to person. Some common signs of arthritis include:
😣 Pain, swelling and stiffness in joints
😣 Reduced range of motion
😣 Pain and stiffness that increases with inactivity (or decreases with activity)
😣 Stiffness in the morning that lasts one or more hours

September is Arthritis Awareness Month, and if you’re struggling with the pain of this debilitating disease, talk to your pharmacist at Palermo Pharmacy about ways to manage the pain.

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