Tag: mental health

Child and Youth Mental Health

True or False: Roughly 70% of mental health challenges begin during childhood? True. Unfortunately, it can be hard to spot, with many signs of poor mental health in children overlapping with general development behaviours. Here are some behaviours to pay close attention to if they increase in intensity, persist over long periods, or don’t fit … Continue reading Child and Youth Mental Health

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Holidays and Mental Health

The holidays can be a taxing time, with mental health rates spiking as the festivities roll in. If you’re one of the many struggling this season, know you’re not alone. We understand how difficult it can be to find community resources when they’re needed, which is why we’ve created an easy-to-use online tool to help … Continue reading Holidays and Mental Health

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Mental Health Awareness Day 2024

Tomorrow’s not just another Thursday…it’s Men’s Mental Health Awareness Day! In Canada, an estimated one million men are battling major depression, and have a suicide rate three times higher than women, yet statistics show only 30% of people who use support services are men. Men face extreme pressures in today’s society, having been raised to … Continue reading Mental Health Awareness Day 2024

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Mental Health & Wellbeing

Your mental health and wellbeing should always be a top priority. Many factors can affect your mental health, from the balance of work and relationships, to illness and your overall health. Having access to helpful support and resources can truly make all the difference when it comes to your mental health.One of the pharmacists at … Continue reading Mental Health & Wellbeing

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Mental Health & Physical Activity

Did you know that most physical activity can help you to feel good? The following activities have been shown to release endorphins and flood your brain with feel-good chemicals:• Running• Power walking• Hiking• Swimming• Cycling• Dancing https://cmha.ca/blogs/move-for-your-mood

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Early Onset Dementia

Did you know that dementia doesn’t just happen to people when they’re older? When the symptoms of dementia are presented before the age of 65, it is referred to as young or early onset dementia.At least 16,000 Canadians under the age of 65 are living with early onset dementia. The sooner a diagnosis is made, … Continue reading Early Onset Dementia

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Work-Life Balance

Do you have a good work-life balance? Take this quiz to find out! https://cmha.ca/work-life-balance-quiz

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Mental Health and the Holidays

Over 6.7 million people in Canada have a mental health condition. Mental health describes your emotional, behavioural and cognitive well-being and should always be as equally as important as your physical health. The holidays can present a particularly difficult time for some who suffer from a mental health condition. Now is the time to reach … Continue reading Mental Health and the Holidays

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Alzheimer’s Disease

In Canada, cognitive impairment and dementia are present in nearly 20% of the elderly population. Screening can help improve the chances of early detection, which provides the opportunity for adjustment to the diagnosis while lucid and allows them to actively participate in planning for their future. https://alzheimer.ca/en/Home/We-can-help/Resources/For-health-care-professionals/Screening-and-diagnosis

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