Tag: Quit Smoking

Smoking Cessation

Are you thinking about quitting smoking cigarettes? Here are three facts that might help you make the final decision to quit:1. In addition to nicotine, the tobacco smoke from a cigarette contains 7,000+ chemicals.2. Once the smoke enters your lungs, the chemicals enter your bloodstream and are distributed to your entire body.3. You’ll start feeling … Continue reading Smoking Cessation

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Smoking Cessation Tips

While quitting smoking may be hard, it can be done. Here are 3 tips to help you get started: 1. Make a plan 2. Pick a quit date 3. List the benefits Speak to your pharmacist at Palermo Pharmacy for more. https://bodyandhealth.canada.com/healthfeature/gethealthfeature/smoking-cessation

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Is it time to quit smoking? Find the right solution for you with help from your pharmacist at Palermo Pharmacy. With Option+, there are a number of smoking cessation products that may be useful to you. https://www.pharmachoice.com/option/health/

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Smoking Cessation

Are you ready to quit smoking or thinking about quitting? Speak to your pharmacist at Palermo Pharmacy for more information and help getting started. https://www.cancer.ca/en/support-and-services/support-services/quit-smoking/?region=on

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