Tag: Stay Home Stay Healthy

Work From Home Tips during COVID-19

Working from home? Improve productivity by creating a dedicated workspace. Include regular breaks to stretch, have something to eat or drink, and even do laundry. The time you save commuting can be used to tidy the house, make the bed or prepare meals. https://www.redcross.ca/blog/2020/3/working-from-home-solutions-to-the-challenges-of-an-abrupt-workspace-change

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#StayHomeStayHealthy Nutrition Tip!

Sugary snacks can be tempting! Try and cut down on your sugar intake, this starts by making healthy choices at the grocery store. If you are craving that chocolate chip cookie make sure to keep things in moderation and limit how many you have. https://www.who.int/news-room/campaigns/connecting-the-world-to-combat-coronavirus/healthyathome/healthyathome—healthy-diet

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COVID-19 – Stay Home Stay Healthy

Staying active while at home is important to your physical and mental health. Sign up for an online exercise class, dance to music, play an active video game or even walk up and down your stairs.

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