Category Archives: General

When we say seizure, what comes to mind?

Like most, you probably just envisioned a Tonic-Clonic or “grand-mal” seizure that results in loss of consciousness, falls, or massive muscle contractions. These seizures involve both sides of the brain and are called “generalized seizures” and are the ones most often showcased on TV.

But did you know seizures can also be localized to one area of the body?

These seizures are referred to as “focal seizures” and only affect one area or side of the brain. What’s more, they are actually more common, affecting roughly 60% of people with epilepsy.

It’s Pharmacy Appreciation Month, which means it’s time to shine a bright spotlight on the many members of your community who provide accessible healthcare through your local pharmacy doors—pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and every staff member who welcomes you in.

Every member of the team is a master of community healthcare, providing a wealth of knowledge and services far beyond dispensing medication, making it more accessible than ever to get the support you need when you need it.

Visit Palermo Pharmacy today to discover the power behind your pharmacy team.

Spring is just a few short weeks away, and if you’re someone who suffers from seasonal allergies, now’s the perfect time to restock all your allergy essentials!

With the high-quality Option+ products at Palermo Pharmacy pharmacy, fighting back against seasonal allergies can be a breeze, without breaking the bank!

So what are you waiting for? Head over to Palermo Pharmacy today!

True or False?

Adults can get Pink Eye.


Pink eye occurs when the thin, transparent layer covering your inner eye gets inflamed and can happen to one, or both of your eyes at a time. Some of the most notable symptoms of Pink Eye include:

– The whites of your eyes turning pink
– itching or burning
– Swollen eyelids
– Sensitivity to light
– Watery eyes
– yellow discharge from the eyes

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, talk to your pharmacist at Palermo Pharmacy today.

Did you know that according to recent estimates, upwards of 50% of people diagnosed with epilepsy, don’t have a clear-cut cause for the condition?

While many face unknown causes, there are a number of factors that can result in the development of epilepsy, including:
– Genetics
– Trauma
– Tumours or brain structure abnormalities
– Infectious diseases
– Metabolism changes
– Stroke

March is Epilepsy Awareness Month, and it’s time to shine a spotlight on this often misunderstood condition. We encourage you to take part and learn more about epilepsy to help break the stigma!

Happy March fir…wait…IT’S A LEAP YEAR!

With February 29th being the rarest day of the year, it only makes sense to highlight some of the rarest diseases in the world.

It’s Rare Disease Day, and with 300 million people worldwide living with a rare disease, today we recognize their struggle.

Cystinosis: A genetic condition where the amino acid cystine builds up in tissues and organs.

Turner Syndrome: A woman born with one missing or partial X chromosome.

Cystic Fibrosis: A disorder that results in thick mucus buildup in organs like the lungs and pancreas.

Von Willebrand’s Disease: A blood clotting disorder

And that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Today, we encourage you to get involved and educate yourself on the many rare diseases people in your community may be living with. It may just save a life one day!

🚨 WAIT! Before you head out for your day, are you wearing pink?

It’s Pink Shirt Day, an internationally recognized day where people across the world step up to combat bullying!

1 in 5 kids are affected by bullying, and with social media being everywhere, cyberbullying has become a significant concern. Wondering how you can support your kids and get involved in making a difference? We’ve got you covered!

🩷 Talk to your kids about cybersafety
🩷 Teach them the four steps to stop cyberbullying (Stop, Block, Talk, Save)
🩷 Ask them about their experiences online
🩷 Create a safe space for them to feel confident coming to you

Let’s come together and make a difference.

Oh no! You’ve woken up, and suddenly swollen tonsils are having a hay day!

While tonsillitis will clear up on its own in time, living with the discomfort it causes doesn’t have to dominate your future.

Here are some tips to take the edge off:
– Talk to your pharmacist about treatment options
– Gargle warm salt water to reduce swelling
– Find sweet relief with over-the-counter pain medications
– Try lozenges to numb your throat

Are you someone who gets anxious about phone calls? We get it!

With PharmaConnect, you can skip the call and request refills from Palermo Pharmacy right from an app on your phone. Skip the anxiety and embrace the comfort of effortless healthcare. Download the app today on the Google Play or App Store.